Today, the BC Government provided an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan.
- In the past six weeks, over 100,000 British Columbians have been vaccinated – those who are most vulnerable.
- The Plan now will get 4.3 Million vaccinated by end of September which is 8.6 million vaccines (2 does per person)
- By April, a large scale vaccination program for the public will begin. And by the end of September, everyone who wants a vaccine will have one.
- This strategy for rollout is the largest vaccine program in BC’s history.
- The focus now is on those greatest at risk first – and the risk increase exponentially over 70.
- New Data on Age-Based Approach – adults older than 60 years have at least 5X increased odds of hospitalization and mortality from COVID-19 compared to those aged less than 45 years.
- Eligibility will be aged based starting with people born in 1941 or earlier are first ones for the vaccine in Feb/early March.
- 4 Phases for the vaccine rollout – based primarily on age and protecting those most at risk.
- Currently in Phase 1 and will continue to end of Feb. Phase 3 and Phase 4 (April-June, July to Sept) will be general population. Phase 1 and 2 will target the at risk populations.
Learn more about the full plan here.