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Electric Vehicles and COVID-19

It should come as no surprise to anyone that 2020 has been a remarkably challenging year for the automotive industry, just as it has been for so many sectors. Not only were new car sales significantly hit hard after COVID-19 arrived in BC, but one of the resulting effects of…
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Preventing Vehicle Theft

As we begin to enter the holiday season, many automobile owners will increasingly find themselves frequenting parking lots as they canvas local retailers for that perfect gift for a loved one. However, this is also a time of year when the potential thief has eyes on motorists who leave parcels…
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OPED: City of Vancouver Out of Touch With Reality

On Tuesday, Vancouver City Council Members will consider a report prepared by City staff on a proposed climate action plan with a price tag of $500 million. The report suggests that mobility pricing – in other words, the establishment of a toll on vehicles making their way to the downtown…
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Winter Driving and Road Rage

With winter arriving in the form of darker hours and adverse conditions across British Columbia, it’s a good time to take a moment and remember that, despite the fact that as Canadians we should be used to harsh driving conditions, this is the time of year when more accidents happen.…
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Auto Sales Continue to Bounce Back from COVID-19

The year 2020 has been one that no one could have anticipated and continues to be a challenge for many industries. The auto industry certainly does not come out of this scratch free. As some parts of Canada went into lockdown, many industries saw massive declines in business, including a…
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Cyber Security Risks Amid Connected and Automated Vehicles

October marks Cyber Security month – a time when it is important to raise awareness about potential issues related to computers and security. The risks pertain to industries across the board, though perhaps the auto-industry is not one that quickly comes to mind. With the introduction of Autonomous Vehicles (AV),…
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Back to School Means Paying Greater Attention

The school year has officially begun, albeit in a much different way than ever before. It’s especially important that drivers pay attention, especially in and around school zones where the volume of cars and traffic will be high during certain periods of the day. Don’t allow frustrations to get the…
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New Car Dealers’ Support of Students Continues

As students attending post-secondary institutions begin a new school year, there is no question it will be unlike any they have experienced before, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, one aspect that will not change is the level of support being provided by the New Car Dealers Association of BC…
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Safe Driving – Labour Day!

Safe Driving - Happy Labour Day Weekend It’s that time of year when summer is coming to an end, Labour Day is upon us and that can only mean the start of the school year. Though the school year is still uncertain, it will definitely look different this year. Even…
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Driving Etiquette

As we approach the final days of August and families prepare for their final road trip of the summer, it’s an opportune time to remind drivers that the rules of the road apply to every one of us. It goes without saying that all drivers should obey the law but…
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