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Sparking Change in Vehicle Purchasing

2019 proved to be another record year for electric vehicle (EV) sales in British Columbia, as the trend towards electrification continues. Under the CleanBC Program which provides a point of sale incentive of up to $3,000 from the Provincial Government, administered by the New Car Dealers Association of BC, CEVforBC™…
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Luxury Tax on Vehicles Challenging New Car Industry

All levels of government face the difficult challenge in finding the resources required to fund the multitude of needs and wants that society demands of them. However, there are occasions when a government will come to a conclusion without the benefit of research, context or a full understanding of the…
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Cars to Look Out for in 2020

We’re almost a month into the new decade and it is already proving to be an exciting time for the automotive industry and auto manufacturers have an exciting line up of new vehicle models on offer to kick off 2020. In many respects, we anticipate this will once again be…
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New Year – 2020 Forecast

As we enter a new year and a new decade, there is no denying the ongoing significance of the auto sector in the Canadian economy. In fact, recent statistics by DesRosiers Automotive Consultants (DAC), the country’s only dedicated automotive market research company, serve to drive home that point. Year-end figures…
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Plan Your Holiday Road Trip

As we approach the end of 2019, and begin a new decade, it’s a time of year when many families will take to the highway to visit friends and family to ring in the holiday season. In anticipation of the wonderful, and perhaps challenging aspects of a winter road trip,…
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Clean Energy Vehicles Rise in BC

As we approach the end of 2019, it’s a good time to look back and celebrate the successes we’ve seen in the sales of EV’s and clean vehicles. They are becoming an ever-popular mode of transportation for British Columbians, as consumers look to lessen their carbon footprint with more sustainable…
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Driving in Poor Conditions

As we truly enter winter and the month of December, it is important to be cognizant of changing driving conditions, and driving in the snow. Weather forecasters predict a harsh winter season in B.C., so now’s the time to start thinking and planning ahead for the snowy season that may…
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Planning for Holiday Driving

The holiday season is now upon us and that means family get-togethers, office parties, and nights out with friends are in full swing for many of us. For some, this may involve celebrations that involve drinking and cannabis – and the priority that should now be placed on planning ahead…
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Holiday Gift Giving

With the Christmas holiday season fast approaching, you may be pondering what to get that special auto enthusiast. The good news is, there are many gift options available to suit any budget and personality. Let’s start with items for those who have specific interests. If that special someone is a…
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How to Prevent Auto Break-Ins

As we begin to enter the holiday season, many automobile owners will increasingly find themselves frequenting parking lots as they canvas local retailers for that perfect gift for a loved one. However, this is also a time of year when the potential thief has eyes on motorists who leave parcels…
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Winter Car Storage

British Columbians experience diverse climates over the winter months. Though for many this season, the Farmer’s Almanac has predicted a colder yet sunny and drier forecast. Regardless of this prediction, and your environment, car owners can’t forget to take proper care for their precious vehicles. It’s important to take the…
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