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BC’s Restart Plan

BC’s Restart Plan lays out a series of steps that we will take together to protect people and ensure that BC can come back from COVID-19 stronger than before. Read the plan here.
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Spring Cleaning Your Vehicle

As we continue to battle COVID-19, I want to use this space to offer reflection on the current state of affairs, but also – where possible – inspire hope and instill some sense of normalcy, as long as it remains within the recommendations of Dr. Bonnie Henry and the public…
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Dealerships Respond in the Face of COVID-19

COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on both public health and the economy – and the automotive sector is certainly no exception. As we continue to go through this critical period in history, it is imperative that we listen to the expert advice from our Canadian Public Health Authorities so…
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In Memoriam – A Legend in the New Car Dealer Community

Over the past week, the British Columbia automotive and business community lost one of their trailblazers, Sherrold Haddad. For our New Car Dealer Association family, Sherrold was a charismatic and vocal proponent of our sector, a proud Chevrolet and Mitsubishi dealer and a person who represented the Canadian ideal, a…
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Revving Up for the 100th Auto Show with Special Guests

Preparations are revving up for the 100th anniversary event for the Vancouver International Auto Show, and a noticeable addition to this year’s opening day line-up is automotive and racing great Roger Penske. As our special guest to the Vancouver International Auto Show, Mr. Penske will take part in a breakfast…
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Overall Canadian Vehicle Sales for 2019

Final new car sales figures are in for 2019 – and it will go down as the fourth highest on record in Canada with slightly more than 1.91 million sales transactions occurring. According to DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc., 2019 was the year of the SUV. Subcompact SUVs finished the year…
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