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Safe Driving – Labour Day!

Safe Driving - Happy Labour Day Weekend It’s that time of year when summer is coming to an end, Labour Day is upon us and that can only mean the start of the school year. Though the school year is still uncertain, it will definitely look different this year. Even…
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Driving Etiquette

As we approach the final days of August and families prepare for their final road trip of the summer, it’s an opportune time to remind drivers that the rules of the road apply to every one of us. It goes without saying that all drivers should obey the law but…
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Summer Safe Driving Tips

The weather in BC is finally heating up and for many drivers that means getting out and about to enjoy the glorious summer we have here in B.C. But before you get your car revved up for some summer fun, you should familiarize yourself with a few preventative measures to…
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Wild Swings in Vehicle Sales

The latest national new vehicle sales report by DesRosiers Automotive Consultants provide both some encouraging news, but also underlines some of the challenges the automotive sector faces as it continues to navigate its way through the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest vehicle sales report reveals that June saw both a relative…
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Disruption – The New Reality in Automotive

By definition, disruption is rarely invited, and is almost always forced upon us unexpectedly. Usually it’s in the form of some kind of evolution that forces substantial change or innovation – but no established industry is likely ever prepared for disruption of the kind that has occurred as a result…
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Light Vehicle Sales from June

Segments of the Market Showing Signs of Improvement I have said this many times before, but it remains important to reiterate. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on a wide range of things in the lives of so many. It has been a challenging time, and at moments…
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Navigating the Post COVID Environment

As British Columbia adjust to the current Phase 3 of the province’s Restart Plan, we are beginning to see more and more of what the new normal looks like. In the midst of what is typically the peak vehicle sales season, we are starting the slow return to some level…
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Staying Cool This Summer

Though summer officially started on June 20, we’re only just starting to see some hot weather here in BC. However, this isn’t always just fun and games! In the dog days of summer, as temperatures rise, traffic increases and drivers need to fight the temptation to drive aggressively. So how…
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