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By Blair Qualey


In just a matter of days, BC’s political parties and hundreds of would-be MLAs, will be off and running – seeking our support during the general provincial election. However, in advance of the Writ being dropped on September 21, the New Car Dealers Association (NCDA) will be advancing a number of key issues that are critical to the success of our sector, in more than 55 communities in which dealers operate, and the 30,000 families who are supported by our industry.  

There are several key areas that will require the attention of the next administration, and the NCDA will be communicating its full agenda next week – but there will be five key components to our message. 

The CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program has been a central element in BC’s leadership role in zero emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption, but recent changes to the program removed 75% of vehicles previously eligible.  

Likewise, while the present administration has made significant investments in a fast-charging network, much more work is required to address the issue of range anxiety that is still a factor in transitioning individuals and families to ZEVs. 

At the same time, BC’s mandated targets for ZEV sales remain in place along with significant penalties if arbitrary targets aren’t met – and will have the effect of driving up the price of all vehicles for the average consumer.  

The threshold for BC’s New Car Luxury Tax kicks in at $55,000 – and impacts the overall cost of many mini-vans, SUVs and pickups that are by no means a luxury item, and families rely on for work or to help shuttle their children around.  

The other critical issue our industry faces is one shared by many other sectors – an aging workforce. A lack of training programs and spaces, particularly for service technicians, has the potential to create a significant problem unless addressed.  

Next week, the NCDA will be communicating more fully through the media and directly to each of the major political parties because through action, we can ensure a brighter future our sector, the economy and consumers.  


Blair Qualey  is President and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association of BC. You can email him at: [email protected]