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COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on both public health and the economy – and the automotive sector is certainly no exception. As we continue to go through this critical period in history, it is imperative that we listen to the expert advice from our Canadian Public Health Authorities so we can keep our loved ones and communities safe.

Dealerships are a service that people need in order to ensure their cars are running and properly maintained– especially for our healthcare heroes and others who are working in essential services doing such a terrific job in protecting and keeping our province and country operational.

Dealerships have had to modify their operations – as have all businesses – to ensure the health and safety of their staff and patrons. This means enforcing strict social distancing measures, limiting the number of customers inside a dealership at once, and enhanced sanitation precautions. This has also led to businesses operating with reduced hours and only essential staff while moving many business activities online such as booking appointments through web and phone platforms only.

The Canadian Automobile Dealers Association (CADA) recently conducted a national survey regarding the impact of the COVID-19 health pandemic on automotive dealers. This survey highlights the devastating toll the crisis has taken on the industry. Most dealerships across the country have seen revenue declines of more than 30% and a few have even had to close down entirely. But most dealerships have been able to continue operation to provide essential repair and maintenance work – which is so important in this time when people need their vehicles more than ever.

However, despite these challenges, there is some silver lining. All dealerships are key members of their communities. And in a time when everyone must come together to support one another, dealerships are doing their part.

Dealerships are providing donations to local food banks and other family services, which need our support now more than ever. They are also providing delivery services for the folks that are unable to get around during this time – this includes groceries, prescriptions, and any other necessary supplies. They are also organizing meals for those less fortunate and taking meals to them directly.

As this is a financially trying time for so many, dealerships are also helping people re-finance or downsize their automobiles to better accommodate customers’ ever evolving financial situations.

Dealerships have also found ways to support first responders and food chain employees, giving them priority service, as well as discounts on services. Some dealerships are also providing free car washes and oil changes to those that are on the front lines.

So, though this continues to be a challenging and devastating time, I am so happy to see so many do so much good to help communities – the better angels of our nature as Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says. And I am immensely proud of our dealerships for going above and beyond for their communities at this time.

Take Care, stay healthy (and remember to wash your hands!). Be well.

Blair Qualey is President and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association of BC. You can email him at [email protected].